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Innovation & Medtech

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The Biggest Recent AI Advancements in Healthcare

Technology has impacted every area of our lives, but arguably none more than healthcare. Thanks to advancements in diagnoses and…

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The Technological Make-Over of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Manufacturing has been revolutionized by technology. However, pharmaceutical manufacturers are only just beginning to see the potential of innovative product…

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3 Perks Of Video Conferencing In Healthcare

The coronavirus has devastated many industries out there, and the UK’s healthcare is also under significant strain. Unfortunately, health workers…

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Most Innovative Mobility Products Design Company 2020

Since its first appearance in the industry a decade ago, Rollz has had a meteoric rise to success and we…

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Best Automated Personal Monitoring & Alerting System…

Karantis360 is an automated personal monitoring and alerting system specifically designed to promote independent, home living for older or infirm…

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Magnificent MedTech from Medovate

Saving lives is a deeply noble profession, and also one of great innovation and invention. A living and breathing example…

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What is CBT, and How Can It…

CBT or cognitive behavioural therapy was founded in the 60s and is now recognised as an effective way to treat…

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Home Improvements to Make When You’re Caring…

If your parents are aging, you might have discussed whether it’d be better for them to enter assisted living, remain…

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Research, Educate, Dominate

Located on the famous Harley Street in the centre of London is one of the capital’s finest aesthetic clinics. In…

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