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Health & Pharma

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What Does Relapse Mean For A Recovering…

Are you or someone you know on the journey to recovering from addiction? It's a tough road, but it's important…

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Revolutionising Healthcare. New Wave

The healthcare industry is at a crossroads, grappling with mounting challenges and the need for transformative solutions. In this article, we delve…

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How to Keep a Medical Practice Running…

Overheads in practices that aren’t focusing on efficiency can take up 60% of all practice revenue. Efficient practices can reduce…

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10 Important Standards in the Transport of…

Taking control of medications' safe and effective transportation is a matter of importance, as it directly impacts patients' well-being. Rigorous…

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CBD vs Delta-8: Which Is Better for…

Both CBD and Delta-8 are derived from hemp plants, and both have the potential to help people who suffer from…

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Six Risk Factors That Raise an Individual’s…

Sadly, due to various reasons, some people have an increased chance of developing an alcohol addiction.

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What Does a Hospital Facilities Manager Do?

In a hospital setting, proper management, maintenance, and organization are critical. Though you may credit the cardiac department with the…

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Medical Tourism Company of the Year 2023

Apollon Health Advisors (AHA) was founded in Greece by medical doctor and scientist, Dr Sven Rohmann to revolutionise the way…

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The Transformation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing by Technology

As scientists and engineers develop new technologies to boost patient outcomes, we are seeing pharmaceutical manufacturing rapidly advance.

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