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Health & Pharma

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Maximizing Infection Control In Hospital Settings

Hospitals should be places of healing, but sadly, they can also be breeding grounds for dangerous infections. Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs)…

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Reshoring: Strengthening the Pharma Supply Chain

Over half of UK manufacturers are exploring reshoring strategies, highlighting the growing shift towards this supply chain strategy.

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Supporting Employees with Chronic Illness

About 15 million people across the UK have chronic illnesses, meaning there is a good chance that you know someone…

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UK’s Leading Health, Well-Being and Diagnostics Provider…

Get A Drip, the UK’s leading provider of health, well-being, and diagnostics solutions and technologies, has expanded its cutting edge…

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Behind Closed Doors: Understanding the Psychology of…

Hoarding might seem like a niche condition that you’d never encounter. However, statistics show that it affects around 5% of…

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New Research into the Impact of Microplastics…

A new metastudy published in Cambridge Prisms: Plastics by Cambridge University Press, has identified a body of evidence demonstrating the…

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Neurodiversity Celebration Week: The Benefits Of A…

Statistics suggest that around 1 in 100 people in the UK are autistic and circa 3-4 people in 100 have…

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A Personalised Approach to Clinical Trials

Founded in 2005, Linical is a global Contract Research Organisation (CRO) dedicated to providing a suite of drug development services…

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Automation Will Play a Critical Role in…

The healthcare industry is inundated with challenges, from an ageing population and higher cost of care to poor processes between…

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