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Health & Pharma

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Where in the World are our med…

With an increasing number of global health programs available to medical students, a new survey found that many students are…

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ARQIS Advises Founders on the Sale of…

ARQIS has advised the founders of the biotech start-up IMD Natural Solutions (INS) on their exit. Specialty chemicals group LANXESS…

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Leading Doctors Discuss Crimes Against Humanity

On Friday March 16, a Question Time-style panel and audience discussion, called 'Attacking Health: The End of International Humanitarian Law?',…

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£33m investment in Scottish medical device factory

Tokyo-based Terumo Corporation has today announced an investment of £33 million in one of its subsidiary companies, Vascutek Limited, located…

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Misconceptions about Family Planning among Women with…

Teva Pharmaceuticals Europe B.V. today announced results from a European survey of 1,000 women diagnosed with relapsing forms of multiple…

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Expert Warns Parents of Drug Prescription Crisis

Matt Hudson, founder of Motivational Change and the Hudson Mind Theory and author of 'Kids: Now they Come with a…

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Accord Healthcare announces European Commission approval and…

Accord Healthcare announces European Commission approval and completion of its purchase of a Basket of products from TEVA

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The closing of Frazier Life Sciences

Frazier Healthcare Partners, a leading healthcare-focused investment firm founded in 1991, has announced the closing of Frazier Life Sciences VIII,…

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Now Available at 500 Cancer Treatment Centres

Physicians at 500 cancer treatment centers in the U.S. have been certified to prescribe Novocure's Optune' to newly diagnosed and…

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