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Health & Pharma

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Mastering Cold-Storage Management: Strategies To Minimise Pharmaceutical…

In an era where medical advancements are revolutionising healthcare, ensuring the potency and efficacy of pharmaceuticals is essential.  

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The National Institute for Health and Care…

Exact Sciences, a leading provider of cancer screening and diagnostic tests, announced that the UK’s National Institute for Health and…

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Has AI Revolutionised Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Management?…

The pharmaceutical industry is consistently pursuing innovation and now, with the rise of innovation, the industry has pursued leveraging this…

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International Compost Awareness Week: The Future Of…

As we observe International Compost Awareness Week, we should all be asking ourselves – is compostable packaging the pinnacle of…

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I’m A Pet Expert… These Are The…

Whether you’re a dog walker by profession or a loving dog owner, avoiding plants that could harm your pets during…

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Painless and Precise: Dry Powder Nasal Drug…

In the evolving world of pharmaceuticals, a quiet revolution is underway. The age-old methods of drug delivery—pills that must pass…

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The Specific Features of Psychiatry EHRs

The digitization of health records has positively impacted every medical area. In psychiatry, switching to electronic health records has resulted…

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Using Learning and Development to Support the…

The NHS has been under strain for the past few years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing demand for healthcare…

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Another Transformative Year: How Digital Health Will…

While the adoption and investment in health tech companies were significantly impacted by tough economic conditions and uncertainty, 2023 saw…

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