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Health & Pharma

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Cancer From Zantac: 5 Things to Know…

The advancements in the medical industry helped many people get treatments for their illnesses. Various medical procedures and medications were…

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One Atlanta Car Accident Lawyer is Helping…

If you are in a car accident, one of the most critical issues is receiving adequate medical attention to address…

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Why Is Electronic Health Record a Good…

Health care organizations all over the world have been switching to electronic health records in recent years, and with good…

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Why Pharma Needs Digital Health Solutions in…

There’s an urgent need for the pharma and digital health industries to collaborate, improve patient monitoring and deliver more effective…

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16 Million Reasons Why Health Tech is…

The UK government has pledged an ambitious programme of revolutionising mental health over the next three years, seeing all mental…

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Aesthetic Practices Adapt to Millennial Patient Needs

If you were to ask a millennial about their skincare routine, it would likely entail a multi-step process that happens…

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What are the Common Misconceptions About Birth…

There are some myths around birth control that can put people off trying them. We take a look and try…

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Tax Tips for Healthcare Professionals in 2022

According to a 2020 report from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 12 out of 20 of the world’s fastest-growing…

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11 Ways To Improve Patient Safety In…

Improving the safety of patient's is good practice as part of patient care. Here are our 11 tips for ensuring…

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