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Health & Pharma

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How Can Health Professionals Track and Measure…

Understanding cognitive function tests is really important for any health professional that’s involved in supporting anyone with dementia or simply…

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Medicines and Medical Devices: Five Top Tips…

The summer is upon us, and with it the arrival of warmer weather and promise of holidays at home and…

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Shingles Vaccine and Ozempic Found to Delay…

According to the latest figures released by the NHS, dementia diagnosis is at a record high in England.

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Scottish Technology Helping To Reduce The NHS…

Scottish-developed simulation-powered digital twins are helping combat the UK’s patient backlog.

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How Video Technology in Healthcare Benefits Patients…

Communicating information with patients and staff is crucial within the healthcare industry. This is where digital signage and video technology…

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A World In Flux: How Pharma Is…

The pharmaceutical industry, with its reliance on complex and global supply chains, is particularly vulnerable to both climate and geopolitical…

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A More Sustainable Future: Lessening The Environmental…

The pharmaceutical industry has long been a cornerstone of global health, providing essential medications and therapies.

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Four in Five UK Tradespeople Experience Mental…

More than four in five (82%) UK tradespeople experience mental health problems due to work-related issues, a new study has…

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Unlocking Patient-Centric Trails: eCOAs Best Practices for…

Patient engagement is pivotal in clinical trials, yet traditional methods for collecting patient-reported outcomes (PROs) often prove inadequate.

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