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Health & Pharma

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8 Mistakes to Avoid When Starting a…

For healthcare professionals, starting their own medical practice can be gratifying. However, running a business requires a strategic mindset to…

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How to Improve Time-Efficiency in Pharmaceutical and…

In today’s economical climate, it is more important than ever to maximise time-efficiency to ensure you can meet the needs…

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3D Printing Is Not Just Revolutionising Healthcare,…

Technological advancement has undoubtedly become a priority for most industries. However, for healthcare, that case is even more so.

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Esh Construction Pledges Funding to NHS ‘Green…

Two new allotments have been created in Sheffield as part of the NHS ‘Green Social Prescribing Places’ initiative thanks to…

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Redefining your Digital Footprint

Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said, “The only constant in life is change.” And how right he was. For the last…

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A Surge in Innovation in the Femtech…

International IP firm Mewburn Ellis publishes its latest report which explores some of the exciting new technologies that have entered…

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Most Trusted Alcohol Reduction App – USA

Launched in Autumn of 2020, Reframe is the #1 alcohol reduction and elimination app on the market. Created through the…

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Expert Treatment of Varicose Veins

Venous surgery has come a long way since Professor Mark Whiteley first established his clinic in 2001 – as has…

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Predicting Your Risk of Developing Oral Cancer…

Proteocyte AI is a Canadian med-tech company that uses proteomics to individually assess cancer risk in vulnerable patients.

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