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Fitness & Nutrition

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Healthcare recruiter welcomes mental health support for…

Following the Health Secretary's pledge to overhaul mental health support for NHS staff ' in an effort to boost retention…

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The 1:1 Diet is proven to be…

A University of Oxford study published in the journal Obesity has revealed that 'total diet replacement' programmes (TDRs), combined with…

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Leading dog food brands miss key nutritional…

Leading dog food brands fail to be explicit in their labelling, a new study reveals Research into 20 leading dog…

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World Sleeping Day ‘ Power naps: snooze…

It's no secret that sleep is essential for wellbeing and productivity ' research even shows our bodies need 40 winks…

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Brands beware potential backlash when talking about…

Latest insight reveals conversations on healthy eating are rising year on year, but it's not all positive

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Mental Health charity Mind partner with National…

Campaign will work to further raise awareness around the importance of Mental Health in the UK

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Why it Pays to take Mental Health…

Recent report by Mercer had revealed 64% of managers admit to prioritising the interests of their organization above staff wellbeing.…

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Hydrate Your Way to Happiness

To help combat the winter blues, water filter experts Aqua Optima has created a Happy H2O Guide to Happiness, to…

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Wellbeing plan sees pensioners walk twice as…

Inspired Villages has joined forces with three high profile wellness organisations to boost the health and wellbeing of the Inspired…

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