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Fitness & Nutrition

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Four Dangers of Self-Diagnosing Through the Web

The issue with self-diagnosis is that it may deter people from visiting a doctor. Together, with Jonjo Hancock-Fell at private…

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Health Apps: Offering Wellbeing Solutions or Exacerbating…

With some insight from Jonjo Hancock-Fell at private health cover firm, Westfield Health, will explore how certain types of health…

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5 Tips and Advice to Enhance Your…

Athletes are proficient in sports, and being one takes a lot of discipline and commitment. They need to be fully…

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Cycling in the UK’s Wet Weather: How…

Together with Ben Mercer from the electric bike division at Leisure Lakes Bikes, we explore which is the wettest region…

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You Don’t Need Meat to Compete: 4…

With some help from Tina Manahai, director and co-owner at Healthy Supplies, we take a look at four of the…

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Going the Extra Mile: A Beginner’s Guide…

We have put together a succinct beginner’s guide to long distance biking. From training and gear tips to recommended British…

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Four Things to Know About Perineal Tears

There are many fears pregnant women have about labor and childbirth, and one of the most common ones is sustaining…

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5 Simple Tricks to Relieve Body Aches

Body aches can happen to you at any time and hinder your daily tasks. If you don’t address them immediately,…

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Professional Pain Points: Is Your Career Giving…

To explore the potential causes in more detail, we looked at the professions that are most likely to result in…

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