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Fitness & Nutrition

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Eradicating Diabetes by 2050 – Mission (Im-)Possible?

Improved sanitation and hygiene practices, vaccination, antibiotics and other antimicrobial medicines have to be thanked for eradicating many deadly diseases.…

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What You Should Know Before Exercising While…

It’s always important to lead a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly, especially when you’re pregnant. In fact, research shows that…

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Lifestyle Hacks To Boost Your Skincare

Everyone wants glowing, radiant skin. The best way to get this is through our skincare routine. But did you know…

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How To Know If Your Child Needs…

Heart diseases can happen to anyone, children included. Some children are born with heart problems that may show symptoms as…

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6 Signs It’s Time To Seek Professional…

Since mental health is vital to the overall development of a human, they have to ensure that they have a…

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The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide To Anxiety

Anxiety can be challenging to understand because of the many misconceptions surrounding it and how it is framed in mass…

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Ways That Chiropractic Care Can Help With…

Being overweight can take a heavy toll on your overall health and well-being. Not only can excess weight deteriorate your…

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Get Snowsports Holiday Ready: 5 Tips on…

It’s no secret that skiing and snowboarding slightly fall on the dangerous side of the spectrum in sports. Nevertheless, the…

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Hiking Toward a Greener Planet

It’s true that hiking reduces stress, builds body strength, improves mood, etc. However, there is another, less well-known advantage to…

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