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Fitness & Nutrition

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How To Lose Fat Efficiently: 3 Things…

Many people dress weight loss up as this overly complicated thing. People seem to believe that they need to carefully…

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Mental Health Retreat Florida: What Is It…

When it comes to managing stress and anxiety, there are a variety of tools and resources that can be used.…

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Identifying the Causes of Stress Incontinence

Stress incontinence is a common and often embarrassing type of urinary incontinence that can affect people of any age. However,…

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Melatonin Deficiencies and Their Causes

Insomnia and other sleeping disorders are steadily on the rise, a very alarming statistic that experts around the world are…

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Proven to improve strength, posture, energy, balance,…

In perfect time to support your New Year health and fitness goals, LUXlife has been speaking with Sarah Manners, actress…

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Stop the Snooze: Four Benefits of Morning…

There is no denying that exercising works wonders for our wellbeing. Going for a jog, lifting a couple of weights…

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The Journey to Your Happy Place: Creating…

We all have that special memory of the past that we like to come back to, or a meditation corner…

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Mental Health and Air Quality: Are They…

Studies have found that poor air quality not only has detrimental effects on our physical health, but also on our…

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How Does Technology Impact Our Mental Health?

Much can be said about the effect technology has had on our mental health. On one end of the spectrum,…

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