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Fitness & Nutrition

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How Are Oral Health and Heart Health…

At a glance, it might seem like your mouth and your heart shouldn’t have anything to do with each other.…

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Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease NAFLD-NASH- Disease Stages…

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, also known as NAFLD, is a compound term for liver conditions that occur due to excessive…

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Managing Diabetes with High Phenolic Olive Oil

Whether you have just been diagnosed with diabetes or you have had it for a while, you may be thinking…

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The Resurgence of the US Fitness Industry:…

The US fitness industry is experiencing a historic resurgence. As health and wellness become more of a focus for Americans,…

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Plant Based Diet for Heart Health: 5…

It's no secret that what we eat profoundly affects our overall health, including our hearts' health. Unfortunately, the typical Western…

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How To Design A Healthy And Sustainable…

People who are obese or overweight are at greater risk of developing serious health conditions. These include diabetes, stroke, heart…

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5 Tips to Lose Weight, According to…

Do you want to lose weight but are afraid to take to most of the information on the internet about…

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Self-Care Tips for Dealing with Prenatal Anxiety…

Pregnancy, and the thought of bringing a child into this world evokes a range of emotions: from enthralling excitement to…

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4 Practical Ways To Deal With Domestic…

In the UK, approximately 1 in 5 adults aged 16 years old or older have experienced domestic abuse after turning…

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