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Research & Development

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Swiss Medical Device Company Seeks Research Partners,…

Ava AG, the Swiss medical device company, is calling for research collaboration or funding to study the potential utility of…

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Investment from IW Capital to drive rapid…

Flarin is a unique and patent protected lipid formulated ibuprofen which at a dose of 1200 mg/day has shown to…

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Medicinal cannabis – pharma’s budding opportunity?

As a sector, the global cannabis extract market is expected to be worth USD 23.7 billion by 2025. So, what…

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The challenges of developing ethical pet food

Natural pet food company Scrumbles discuss the ethical problems behind the pet food industry and how they overcame them.

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Patient-centricity: the ultimate promise of blockchain for…

Thanks to innovations in enterprise blockchain technology, a technological shift in the healthcare industry is fast becoming a reality, disrupting…

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Are you IP-ready for an IPO?

A recent upturn in European biopharma IPO activity could be a sign of growing investor confidence and other innovative businesses…

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Helping surgeons work without fear of infection…

New research shows that in fact an overwhelming majority of surgeons have had a close encounter with a serious risk…

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Against Breast Cancer launch ABC Discover, new…

This research promises to have a major impact on the discovery of biomarkers, which are required for the development of…

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De Beers Group Supports Malaria Diagnostictics Start-up…

South African medical tech start-up, ERADA Technology Alliance, is pleased to announce it has received a £288,000 foundation grant from…

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