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Personal Health & Social Care

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Essential Qualities of a Great Neonatal Nurse

If you're considering becoming a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) nurse, you're likely motivated by a passion for helping fragile,…

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Four Common Mental Health Myths in the…

At some point during the year, one Briton in four is likely to experience a mental health issue, and there…

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How Many Men Suffer From Erectile Dysfunction…

Erectile dysfunction is a common problem among men. Click here to find out how common it really is and whether…

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Sleep Expert, ‘The Sleep Geek’ and TV…

Challenges with sleeping is one of the main symptoms for peri and menopausal women. Sleep expert, aka ‘The Sleep Geek’…

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How Business Leaders Can Assist Employees Going…

Women of menopausal age (45-54) make up 11% of all people in employment and 23% of all women in employment…

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What to Expect from a Hearing Test

If you're going for your first hearing test, or it's been a while since your last one, you might be…

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Body, Brain and Beauty: Get It All…

Oats, or Avena Sativa, are predominantly enjoyed as breakfast with water or milk. However, oats are so much more than…

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Health Tips for Pregnant Women

Pregnancy is a remarkable experience that encompasses immense changes and endless fascination. The vitality and prosperity of both the mother…

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Mental Health Transparency At Work Is On…

A new survey of 8,000 UK adults has highlighted an increase in mental health transparency in the workplace.

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