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Personal Health & Social Care

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Has disrupted sleep left you feeling exhausted?

Take the sleep challenge Hypnotherapist Ailsa Frank challenges you to a Good Night's Sleep with her new hypnosis download, or…

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Has a heartbreak or loss left you…

Is it time to break the habit of hurting over the loss of a loved one or an ex? Hypnotherapist…

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Stay Healthy while traveling

Travel, whether it's to see family, the holidays, vacation or business, we travel. When it comes to leaving a healthy…

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One in five 18 to 24-year-olds have…

18 percent of 18 to 24-year-olds have contracted an STI through the use of dating apps Young people in Scotland…

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Stigma still exists for children in care

A new ScotCen Panel attitudes survey has revealed that, while attitudes in Scotland to care experienced young people are generally…

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A man’s guide to the menopause

The menopause can be a stressful time, especially if you're experiencing troublesome symptoms ' from hot flushes and night sweats…

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How does the care system for the…

With medical advancements and quality of life improving across the globe, the human population is aging. It is important for…

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The scale of loneliness amongst the UK’s…

The UK recently appointed a Minister of Loneliness to tackle the problem of loneliness and social isolation in the UK.…

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Family Fun and Games This Christmas

Many of today's younger generation are content with the concept of staying in rather than going out, choosing to nest…

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