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Personal Health & Social Care

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How spot and Deal with Imposter Syndrome

Do you ever sit down at your desk in the morning and think to yourself, ‘What am I doing here?…

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Symptoms of the Pandemic: Exponential Growth in…

Whether it be increased Microsoft Teams’ meeting, a spike in family Zoom quizzes, or simply just more time spent glued…

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What is Considered as a Serious Personal…

Have you ever been involved in an accident due to the negligence of another person? In such cases, you are…

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Caring for the Elderly Through Winter

2020 has been a tough year for everyone but especially for the elderly. As they are more susceptible to COVID-19,…

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Raising Children in A Digital World: Balancing…

Technology has advanced enormously over the years, and children now have many different devices at their fingertips to keep them…

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How Your Period Will Change as You…

For people who menstruate, having a period can feel like both one of the most constant, and one of the…

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How to Keep Your Brain Active During…

Blue Monday is on the 18th January 2021, it’s the name given to a day in January claimed to be…

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Millennials Have the Least Body Confidence in…

With the rise of social media platforms like Instagram, there has sadly been an increase in issues surrounding confidence and…

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Free Mini Course for Mental Health &…

During lockdown, the world stopped – and so did access to fertility treatments, tests and investigations. Women could no longer…

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