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Personal Health & Social Care

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Struggling to sleep in lockdown?

More than half the UK population struggle with sleep during lockdown, according to a study by King's College London. Researchers…

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Happy Hair at Juvida Clinics

The world of hair is one that many people approach with no small amount of caution, whether it be considering…

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Workplace Injuries: 8 Steps to Take

Accidents do happen in the workplace regardless of the industry you’re in. When these happen, it’s essential to take immediate…

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Top 8 Diseases of The Body You…

While you enjoy watching medical TV series or movies to the point that you’re sure you could tell the origins…

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Five Things to Consider When Choosing An…

The mobility marketplace has a number of different types of electric, or powered, wheelchairs available to cater to a spectrum…

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How 2020 Has Rewarded Key Workers

The past year has been difficult for many of us, and is one we don’t want to repeat. This is…

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Parenthood During the Pandemic: How New Dads…

For both new mums and new dads, the past year has been an especially difficult one. Not only have new…

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What is Early and Intensive Behavioral Intervention…

EIBI is considered one of the best intensive behavioral interventions for toddlers aged five and below. Read on to understand…

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Nostalgia: How Does It Help Our Mental…

Nostalgia is a sentiment most of us are familiar with. It’s that warm, fuzzy feeling associated with reminiscing about the…

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