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Personal Health & Social Care

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9 Types of Orthotic Devices and Their…

Orthotic devices, also known as orthoses, are the braces or devices that help support the weakened muscles while walking. They…

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At What Age Should You Plan Your…

In one sense, it doesn't matter when you plan your funeral so long as you do so. This is because…

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The Importance of Hand Hygiene in Health…

Maintaining good hygiene levels is important for staying healthy and avoiding falling ill. Many illnesses can be contracted by touching…

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How Are New Mums Adapting to the…

For new parents, lockdown has been a surreal time. On one hand, many parents have been able to work from…

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5 Ways to Improve the Usability of…

To have an effective healthcare website, you must ensure its usability. This means that its design should be user-centered. That…

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Most Searched for Signs That You’re Due…

When you’re approaching your period, you’ll most likely be on the lookout for some giveaway signs that it’s coming. For…

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8 Tips On Choosing An In-Home Care…

When it comes to receiving care, your loved ones would love to feel secure and at ease. These days, many…

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Guide to Improving the Quality of Care…

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 15% of the world’s adults have a form of disability. A further…

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How To Handle Medical Malpractice Claims

Emergencies and accidents can happen to anyone due to varying reasons. Being in any type of accident is never easy;…

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