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Personal Health & Social Care

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Worldwide Skincare Excellence

Professor Firas Al-Niaimi, the ‘Consultant Dermatologist of the Year’ for 2022, has once again claimed the title for his expert…

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Breaking Down the Barrier Between Eastern and…

Peonia Medical, the company that has become widely known as ‘Nottingham's Leading Doctor-Led Aesthetic Clinic’ for 2022, also has clinics…

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Menopause In the Workplace

With the conversation around menopause and the workplace becoming a focal point in recent months, workplace discrimination and employment law…

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Four Common Work-Related Minor Injuries that Often…

In the workplace, accidents can be quite frequent, and some can result in serious and minor injuries. It has been…

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How to Choose a Clinical Counsellor Vancouver

A clinical counsellor offers counseling and psychotherapy services to individuals, couples, families, and groups. Whether you're experiencing relationship difficulties, struggling…

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5 Health Benefits of Wearing Japanese Face…

Face masks have become commonplace in society today, not only in Japan but worldwide. There are many reasons people don…

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7 Things Your Hair Can Tell About…

Our hair showcases our style and personality as well as boosting our self-esteem. However, it’s not just a weapon of…

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Employers Need a Greater Understanding of Cancer…

Sunday 5 June was Cancer Survivors’ Day. This is a timely reminder that cancer is often survivable, given the right…

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What Is Process Addiction and How Do…

The term ‘addiction’ always has a negative perception among the populace. It’s usually associated with alcohol and drugs, affecting and…

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