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Which Technologies are Helping Us Fight the…

The pandemic has had a major effect in our lives, and it still remains to be seen how much it…

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6 Must-Have Sams Medical Supplies for Emergencies

Almost everyone will need an emergency medical kit at some point. A well-stocked medical emergency kit can help you respond…

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6 Types of Lung Disease … Plus…

Unsplash Many people associate lung disease with smoking. True, the CDC says that 80% of lung disease-related deaths are due…

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How Insurtech Like Bowtie Medical Insurance is…

A 2020 IBM survey shows that 50% of Millennials don’t have life insurance and, of those, nearly 70% cited confusion,…

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Escape to the Country: Why Rural Living…

In this article, off-grid gas experts Flogas explore ways in which living in the countryside can have a positive impact…

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Tips for Managing Stress

Are you feeling stressed out lately? According to the American Psychological Association, stress is the number one problem facing Americans…

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Four Female Role Models in Sports Paving…

This article will take a closer look at some of the most prominent female role models in sports broadcasting and…

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4 Reasons to Consider Your Cellular Health

Cells are the building blocks of every part of the body. From organs to tissues, muscles, and skin, cells make…

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Tech Doping: a Serious Threat to Competitive…

Here we’ll discuss whether tech doping is the latest threat to competitive sport or whether it’s good news for athletes.

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