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7 Important Facts About Epilepsy That You… Epilepsy is certainly not a recently discovered neurological disorder. The research conducted in the early 1900s is the foundation…

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What Is Process Addiction and How Do…

The term ‘addiction’ always has a negative perception among the populace. It’s usually associated with alcohol and drugs, affecting and…

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Different Kinds Of Tea And Their Health…

All ‘true’ teas—black, green, oolong, and white are produced from the tea plant called Camellia sinensis. Now, let’s look at…

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Technology innovation for pathologists

Similar to every clinical medicine, Pathology is a branch of medicine that deals with the study of diseases and conditions.…

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What to Expect During Concussion Therapy

Concussions are one of the most common traumatic brain injuries (TBI) in the United States, and most are caused by…

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Great Products For Your Dental Practice

When thinking about the right dental equipment for your office, you want it to fulfil two fundamental roles. First, you…

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Qualities of an Excellent Care Provider

You want to receive the best care from your doctors. It doesn’t matter if you feel healthy right now. You…

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What to Do When You’re Diagnosed With…

Most of us assume that we’ll live until old age and pass away after a full and rewarding life. However,…

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Healthcare Software Development Trends

To develop a medical application that will be in demand, it is necessary to take into account a lot of…

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