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Celebrating the NHS: How Can We Ensure…

The NHS is one of the UK’s most valuable assets, and its widespread significance has become even more apparent throughout…

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7 Ways to Overcome Drug Addiction

When someone is addicted to drugs, it means he or she continues to use one or more substances despite the…

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5 Health Benefits of Wearing Japanese Face…

Face masks have become commonplace in society today, not only in Japan but worldwide. There are many reasons people don…

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CBD and Cancer

CBD and Cancer Cancer may be initially localized within a single organ or tissue, or it may spread to other…

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3 Common Myths About Using Viagra

Viagra has been a popular choice to treat erectile dysfunction because it is effective, and extensive scientific evidence supports its…

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World Well-being Week – Did We Learn…

With World Well-being Week commencing on 27th June, did we learn anything about prioritising our health at work from the…

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7 Things Your Hair Can Tell About…

Our hair showcases our style and personality as well as boosting our self-esteem. However, it’s not just a weapon of…

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Safe Cycling for Women: What to Wear…

In 2020, the number of cycling trips made by women in the UK increased by 56%, yet men still cycled…

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Dedicated Developments

Cambridge-based medical device company Medovate – the ‘Best Medical Device Innovation Development Company – 2022’ for the UK, is a…

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