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How Do You Warm Blood for Transfusion?

If you need a blood transfusion, the last thing you want is for your blood to be cold. This can…

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People With Rare Blood Disorder to Be…

Results from a new study finds that people with paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH), a rare blood disorder, have significantly impaired…

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Counsellors Call on Businesses to Support World…

A Midlands counselling service is urging businesses to show they care this month as part of World Mental Health Day.

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5 Tips for Ensuring the Safe Use…

Medical devices are products that healthcare practitioners use to treat, diagnose or help individuals with certain conditions keep their symptoms…

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The Difference Between Antibiotics and Antiseptics

It's a familiar story, especially from childhood: you were laughing happily and going far too fast on your bike, scooter…

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4 Ways to Tell if a Nursing…

One of the hardest but necessary things that one has to do in life is make the tough decision of…

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Proven Stress-Busting Hacks For Busy Dads

Parenting is a full-time job, and there are no shortcuts. It is easy to believe that moms do all the…

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How To Diminish The Negative Impacts Of…

You try to live your daily life as carefree and happy as you'd like, but certain circumstances can prevent you…

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Four Examples of Recent Remarkable Scientific Breakthroughs…

There’s no denying just how important science is to the world, and the earliest roots can be traced to Ancient…

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