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Regrowing Frog Limbs: What Does This Mean…

Did you know that salamanders are able to regrow limbs? They can do so thanks to blastema cells, which allow…

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The Ultimate Guide To Finding The Right…

Choosing a dermatologist requires the same thorough and careful selection as you would when finding a doctor for your other…

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The Journey to Your Happy Place: Creating…

We all have that special memory of the past that we like to come back to, or a meditation corner…

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Mental Health and Air Quality: Are They…

Studies have found that poor air quality not only has detrimental effects on our physical health, but also on our…

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The Ethical Experts in Hair Rejuvenation

Skipton-based hair transplant consultancy, Juvida Clinics, is changing the face of hair loss prevention and hair transplantation in the UK.

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Pushing Surgery Forward!

When we want to advance into bold new sectors of medicine, what should guide this progress? Nothing inspires the team…

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The Ultimate Guide to Full Spinal Cord…

The spinal cord acts as an information conduit from the brain to the rest of the body. The sensation is…

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How Does Technology Impact Our Mental Health?

Much can be said about the effect technology has had on our mental health. On one end of the spectrum,…

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4 Benefits of Morning Exercise and How…

This said exercise sessions can be easy to skip or postpone. From busy work schedules to other impeding daily commitments,…

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