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Knee Repair Without Surgery?

Knee pain can drastically deteriorate your quality of life, making it difficult to do basic activities, such as walking or…

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The Importance of Accessibility and Accommodations for…

Accessibility means making sure not only people with disabilities but everyone can access the workplace and every other facility equally.

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Experts Explain How Dance Can Improve Your…

Did you know that dancing lowers the risk of developing dementia and other mental illnesses by as much as 76%.…

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VR and Jazzercise: Five Fitness trends to…

Jazzercise is expected to be make a comeback as one of the biggest fitness crazes of 2023, with searches for…

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Why You Should Ditch the Digital for…

Deciding to ditch the digital world for a while and reconnect with nature is a great way to detox yourself…

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Exercises That help You Stay Calm

Looking to stay calm and cool-headed? Check out these six exercises to help you keep your chill during stressful situations.

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Why We Need To Talk About Uncomfortable…

It’s not always easy to talk about what’s bothering you but keeping it bottled up is always going to end…

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How to Improve Your Fertility in 2023

You may be finding it harder than planned to get pregnant or want to ensure you have the best chance…

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The Unhealthiness of Health Apps: Could they…

Most people would agree that leading a healthy lifestyle is essential. However, recent technological advances have made some experts concerned…

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