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The 7 Worst Weight Loss Tips You…

If you're trying to lose weight, you have probably found a lot of conflicting advice online. Some tips promise quick…

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Technological Advances in the Healthcare Industry

Health care has been revolutionized during the last decade by technological advancements in diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. As a result…

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Can You Sue After Medical Negligence?

As trustworthy and reliable as most medical experts can be, there are times when their negligence can lead to issues,…

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BackHug Launches World-First Robot Back Therapist To…

BackHug, launches into the UK with a global health-tech first. Sufferers can now subscribe to have a ‘robot back therapist’…

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Team Consulting Partners with AstraZeneca to Deliver…

Team Consulting partners with AstraZeneca to deliver an award-winning sustainable trainer pen AstraZeneca and Team Consulting have been recognised for…

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New Study Provides First Published Examples of…

A qualitative case series research study sponsored by the American College of Lifestyle Medicine and published in Clinical Diabetes provides…

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Pay Attention To Your Hair If You…

Everyone wants healthy and vibrant hair. So, many people use different hair care products to improve their hair’s condition. However,…

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Medical Misdiagnosis: Causes, Factors & Legal Recourse

A wrong diagnosis happens when a medical professional fails to identify a health problem or issues an inaccurate diagnosis. Incorrect…

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Why APIs Are Key To Digital Transformation…

Did you know that you interact with an API (Applications Programming Interface) or even many APIs in your day-to-day life?…

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