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Technology Propels Next-Generation Influenza B Vaccines to…

Recent preclinical findings reveal that innovative next-generation influenza B vaccines, developed at Cleveland Clinic, offer comprehensive and prolonged protection against…

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Blue Monday: 18 Million Days Lost at…

New research has revealed that 18 million days per year, on average, are lost at work to mental health conditions.

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3 Steps To Deal With A Dental…

Dental emergencies can be challenging, often accompanied by pain and the risk of long-term complications. Immediate and appropriate action is…

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Signs that Your Footwear Choices are Causing…

As the temperature bar plummets, many of us will be reaching for a chunky pair of boots to battle the…

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Kidney Disease And Diabetes: Navigating The Dual…

Managing kidney disease alongside diabetes is a critical health challenge. Both conditions, when combined, can lead to a significant impact…

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Addressing BHRT Myths and Misconceptions

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy or BHRT, is often the subject of public scrutiny and misunderstanding. As a therapeutic approach aimed…

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Emotional Landscape: Depression Faced by Single Mothers…

The journey of single motherhood is one of resilience, strength, and unwavering determination. Yet, it's essential to acknowledge that the…

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The Vital Need for Specialist Care to…

Recognised as our Most Trusted Specialist Care Provider for Eating Disorders 2023 – Suffolk, Bramacare is a transitional eating disorder…

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The Complex Relationship Between PTSD and Addiction

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and addiction are significant mental health conditions that can significantly impact a person’s quality of life.…

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