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Medical Assistants Nationwide

Thousands of medical assistants across the country will be celebrated between October 17 and 21 in observance of Medical Assistants…

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New Animal Research Explores Red Raspberries

The latest issue of the Journal of Berry Research includes two new animal studies that investigate the effects of raspberry…

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Animal Research Explores Red Raspberries

The latest issue of the Journal of Berry Research includes two new animal studies that investigate the effects of raspberry…

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The Japanese Cancer Association

Debiopharm Group, a Swiss-based global biopharmaceutical company, will be presenting the 'JCA-Mauvernay Award' on October 8 to Doctors Hidewaki Nakagawa…

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Canon BioMedical Products Launched

Canon BioMedical is pleased to announce the launch of Novallele genotyping products in the United Kingdom and Ireland for sale…

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Making Decisions for Your Health: Getting the…

What is health literacy? Simply put, it's the ability to get and understand information on health issues and medical services…

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Mylan Launches Generic Fortamet’ Tablets

Mylan N.V. (NASDAQ, TASE: MYL) today announced the U.S. launch of Metformin Hydrochloride Extended-release Tablets USP, 500 mg and 1000…

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FDA Warns Against the Use of Homeopathic…

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is warning consumers that homeopathic teething tablets and gels may pose a risk to…

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Tina’s Wish Benefit Raises $1.4M – Ovarian…

Annual dinner honors the memory of former SDNY U.S. Bankruptcy Court Chief Judge Tina Brozman during Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month…

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