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Emergency Medical Care on All 7 Continents

Black Bag is a private, emergency medical consultancy that works with wealthy families, family offices, and senior executives to provide…

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Sharing Ethical Digital Content with Vendit

The Vendit mission is to put science at the forefront of relationships between industry and professionals by reliably delivering key…

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Eye on the Prize

Trial Runners is a highly innovative ophthalmology contract research organisation (CRO), providing biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies with clinical research management…

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Crew Wellbeing Improves

In the 20 years since UK P&I Club first established its pre-employment medical examination (PEME) programme, the number of crew…

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European Antibiotic Awareness Day – We Should…

On European Antibiotic Awareness Day (18th November), the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) has issued a call for all…

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Cancer Moonshot and the Paediatric Consortium: Putting…

. In September, Biden reiterated his call for action to fast-track the nation's most comprehensive cancer collaborative initiative aimed at…

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Top Expert Tips – What Cyclists Should…

A survey conducted by Merlin Cycles has shown that 49 per cent said they would steer well clear of carbs…

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Heartbeat Moves Manhattan Headquarters

-Healthcare marketing agency Heartbeat announced today that it is moving its New York City headquarters to a new location in…

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NextGen Healthcare Transforms Its Business

Perficient,the leading digital transformation consulting firm serving Global 2000' and other large enterprise customers throughout North America

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