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A man’s guide to the menopause

The menopause can be a stressful time, especially if you're experiencing troublesome symptoms ' from hot flushes and night sweats…

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Essential Vegan Beauty Alternatives

World Vegan Day provides the perfect opportunity to recognise and celebrate the 350% increase in the number of people opting…

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How does the care system for the…

With medical advancements and quality of life improving across the globe, the human population is aging. It is important for…

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The scale of loneliness amongst the UK’s…

The UK recently appointed a Minister of Loneliness to tackle the problem of loneliness and social isolation in the UK.…

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Musculoskeletal disorders in the workplace: how to…

According to the NHS website, musculoskeletal conditions affect the joints, bones and muscles and also include rarer autoimmune diseases and…

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Stay well this Winter with simple nutrition…

With the weather getting colder, winter illnesses begin to take over ' but being conscious of the food you're consuming…

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Family Fun and Games This Christmas

Many of today's younger generation are content with the concept of staying in rather than going out, choosing to nest…

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Two-thirds (64%) of workers have poor or…

For International Stress Awareness Week, 5th ' 9th November 2018, a new nationwide survey of the country's employees has revealed…

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The health advantages of wearable technology

Today, many gadgets are designed to monitor and improve our health and wellbeing. And, with the latest developments, we don't…

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