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Global charity, Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis endorses policy…

An international group of neurologists led by Professor Gavin Giovannoni has published an important report outlining a consensus approach to…

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How Body Imbalance Is The Tipping Point…

We've all lost our balance ' slipping on ice, getting knocked down in a sport, tripping over a toy, or…

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86% of parents believe there should be…

Mobile phone insurance provider, loveit coverit, surveyed parents in the UK across different topics regarding children and smartphone use, including…

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DELAYS IN LUNG CANCER TREATMENT 'CANNOT BE TOLERATED' SAY EXPERTS Three out of four patients diagnosed 'too late'

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New research reveals live probiotics can re-balance…

New research published in the International Journal of Pharmaceutics demonstrates that 'good' bacteria in the live probiotic SymproveTM can successfully…

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Stigma still exists for children in care

A new ScotCen Panel attitudes survey has revealed that, while attitudes in Scotland to care experienced young people are generally…

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Secretary of State for Health and Social…

The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock, will be giving a keynote speech on the second…

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RemindMeCare to launch Alexa-integrated App to help…

New app generates new data set, Electronic Life Records, to support data portability across the patient pathway from diagnosis to…

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Could drinking with dinner every night impact…

Alcohol is quite an integral, accepted part of our culture and it is considered sociable and 'normal' to have a…

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