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Could deaths and serious injuries to cyclists…

That's the opinion of health and safety experts who think that any initiative to make roads safer for cyclists…

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AffecTech showcases innovative mental health technology

Members of the public and healthcare professionals have tried out innovative wearables technologies for mental health being developed as part…

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Helping surgeons work without fear of infection…

New research shows that in fact an overwhelming majority of surgeons have had a close encounter with a serious risk…

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64% of British Consumers Worry About Sugar…

Britain is being beaten in its war with weight because millions of people struggle to reduce the amount of sugar…

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Today,, the global leader in turning the smartphone camera into a clinical-grade medical device, announced it has received 510(k)…

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NHS users want to talk to AI…

New research from, the artificial intelligence company optimising customer interactions, has revealed that the majority of NHS users prefer…

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Brain Performance is Taking a Quantum Leap:…

Taking a science-based, multidisciplinary approach to how we perform, SOFOS Associates focuses on an individual's ultimate driver of performance and…

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Against Breast Cancer launch ABC Discover, new…

This research promises to have a major impact on the discovery of biomarkers, which are required for the development of…

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Study: Leisure Time Increases Productivity at the…

Research indicates that adequate rest time is crucial to keep the minds of employees mentally sharp and to ensure they…

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