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Pioneering Private Healthcare Services in London

MyHealthcare Clinic is, by all regards, a unique establishment on the expansive private healthcare landscape, offering best in class GP,…

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V-Care, The Biggest Women’s Health Trend In…

The #MeToo movement has encouraged women the world over to reclaim their bodies, creating a new climate for open conversation…

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7 Signs That It Is Time To…

Whilst having a reliable skin-care routine can be comforting and reliable in many ways, it doesn’t last forever. Now the…

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The Effects That Alcohol Can Have On…

Alcohol’s effect on your skin is like the rest of your body, it steals the good (hydration) and leaves the…

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Successful Blood Pressure Diagnosis App Launched By…

A patient whose doctor was unable to identify the cause of his high blood pressure has launched a 5-star rated…

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Research Reveals Large Geographical Differences in Quit…

Stoke-on-Trent is the clear winner, with an increase in success rate of 91% since 2009, closely followed by five London…

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The Future of Diagnosis – Are Blood…

Collapsed veins and long waiting times to receive blood test results has led to the question of their efficiency. In…

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How To Boost Your Body Confidence

Although being confident doesn’t come overnight, body confidence is something you work on and create your own with. Having body…

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The Reality of Snakebites – Time is…

With at least 600,000 people worldwide killed or permanently disabled each year, snakebites are the biggest public health crisis that…

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