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A Profile of Dr Faheem Latheef- The…

Dermatology has come a long way in helping people all over the world. The United Kingdom benefits hugely from the…

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UK Cosmetic Surgeons See Massive Rise in…

While being able to communicate with patients and carry out consultations online has been a welcome addition to many surgeons’…

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86% Of Parents of Autistic Children Felt…

70% reported that their daily routines had significantly changed since the pandemic began. In particular, many experienced difficulty in communicating…

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What Physicians Offer Patients When Medication Isn’t…

We live in a world where medication can fix just about anything. At least, it seems that way. In reality,…

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Pop Up PPE Bins Needed on UK…

Shoppers across the UK have diligently been wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as gloves and face masks when hitting…

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How Health Agencies are Ramping up Testing…

The coronavirus pandemic has proven to be a global health crisis, and the most significant challenge the world has faced…

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8 reasons why getting outside can help…

Think about it: how often do you find yourself getting up to go for a walk to have a screen…

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How to Protect Your Sinuses Against Infection

The sinuses and your nasal passage are parts of your body you might not think about when considering physical health.…

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Living with Lymphoma

Getting the news that you have cancer is one of the hardest things you will ever have to hear. Any…

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