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How to Safely Reduce Your Meat Intake,…

One of the best ways to mitigate climate change is by reducing your meat intake. As well as helping the…

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Working Out in a Heatwave

The next couple of weeks is set to see a heatwave in the UK with temperatures set to rise to…

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5 Celebrities With Vitiligo

Vitiligo is a common skin condition that causes skin to lose its pigment, resulting in hallmark white blotches. Vitiligo occurs…

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How to Care for Ageing Skin, According…

Whilst the beauty market is infiltrated with wrinkle creams, eye serums and face masks, successful anti-ageing starts with simple but…

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Everything You Need to Know About Ingrown…

Ingrown hairs are a common problem which can arise especially after shaving. An ingrown hair isn’t dangerous, but it can…

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10 Reasons It’s So Important to Stay…

Staying healthy has never been so important as the need to remain in good health can have a positive effect…

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The Hidden Side of American Healthcare

One of the most common truisms in the modern world is how broken the American healthcare system is. It has…

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The University of Oxford COVID-19 vaccine explained

The University of Oxford’s Jenner Institute began work on a coronavirus vaccine in February. Development on the COVID-19 vaccine has…

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How Safe Are CBD Products?

With CBD becoming such a widespread component in a lot of different products, a lot of people are unsure about…

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