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Why Becoming an Athletic Trainer Could Be…

Are you looking to change careers? Perhaps you're a sports professional who is contemplating what the future holds after they…

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What is CBT, and How Can It…

CBT or cognitive behavioural therapy was founded in the 60s and is now recognised as an effective way to treat…

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Cold Sores: The Science Behind Masks Triggering…

Here, Qualified Heath Practitioner Tammy Richards at dispensary brand PureOptical runs us through some advice on how to avoid the…

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Simple SMS Reminders Will See 780k More…

A new campaign has been launched by the UK’s largest independent healthcare management app, ‘myGP’, urging NHSX to introduce centralised…

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Home Improvements to Make When You’re Caring…

If your parents are aging, you might have discussed whether it’d be better for them to enter assisted living, remain…

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Addressing Physician Burnout Amid the COVID-19 Crisis

Physicians are one of the most stressed and overworked professionals in any profession. They are responsible for treating their many…

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Easy Meals and Snacks Boosting Brain Power…

One of the major factors which can affect our productivity is our diet. As much as we all love snacking…

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Revealed: The Travel Hotspots That Could Be…

Nearly two in five (38%) of the 50 countries Brits visit most often for holidays , have levels of ultraviolet…

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Everything You Need to Know About Pigmentation,…

When we age, it is inevitable that your skin is going to change, wrinkles, fine lines and pigmentation. Whilst we…

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