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Why people love Barre So Much

Barre is a type of physical exercise. It’s distinguished from the other fitness activities in that its movements are derived…

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Best Automated Personal Monitoring & Alerting System…

Karantis360 is an automated personal monitoring and alerting system specifically designed to promote independent, home living for older or infirm…

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Mental-health related time off work increases during…

Research found that while physical health improved during lockdown, mental health declined. New research from NTT DATA UK, a world…

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UK’s first Covid walk-in testing centre has…

The UK’s first ever private walk-in Covid-19 testing centre will open at 33 Thayer Street, W1U 2QX. Observing strict safety…

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Avoiding winter fatigue: 10 steps to boost…

CEO and Co-Founder of high performance nutrition brand Revvies, John Nolan-Neylan, offers his ten steps to recharge Britain post lockdown.

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Vinyl Flooring or Carpet: The best allergy-free…

Its that time of year. Hayfever season has just finished BUT allergy season is only just beginning for many people.…

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Magnificent MedTech from Medovate

Saving lives is a deeply noble profession, and also one of great innovation and invention. A living and breathing example…

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Tips for Getting Health Insurance During Open…

Open enrollment is when millions of Americans choose their health insurance policy for the coming year. While most people have…

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Period Poverty Throughout Covid-19 – What Challenges…

Currently, young girls are growing up in a world where essential period products are out of their financial grasp —…

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