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Don’t Squash Your Chances: Our Tips And…

So, with old habits statistically dying hard, why not try a new tack for 2021? As people become more conscious…

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Nostalgia: How Does It Help Our Mental…

Nostalgia is a sentiment most of us are familiar with. It’s that warm, fuzzy feeling associated with reminiscing about the…

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The Technological Make-Over of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Manufacturing has been revolutionized by technology. However, pharmaceutical manufacturers are only just beginning to see the potential of innovative product…

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How spot and Deal with Imposter Syndrome

Do you ever sit down at your desk in the morning and think to yourself, ‘What am I doing here?…

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Symptoms of the Pandemic: Exponential Growth in…

Whether it be increased Microsoft Teams’ meeting, a spike in family Zoom quizzes, or simply just more time spent glued…

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What is Considered as a Serious Personal…

Have you ever been involved in an accident due to the negligence of another person? In such cases, you are…

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Caring for the Elderly Through Winter

2020 has been a tough year for everyone but especially for the elderly. As they are more susceptible to COVID-19,…

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Common Dental Problems and What to Do…

There is always a good reason to smile. However, a lot of people find it difficult to do so due…

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Look After Your Health by Getting Outdoors

It’s fair to say that the past year has not been plain sailing for any of us. With the COVID-19…

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