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Top 8 Diseases of The Body You…

While you enjoy watching medical TV series or movies to the point that you’re sure you could tell the origins…

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6 Clever Ways to Motivate Yourself to…

Did the 2020 shutdowns leave you with a severe case of the lazies? If you’re trying to kickstart your fitness…

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How to Revamp Your Kitchen for a…

For anyone who has ever set themselves fitness or wellbeing goals, specifically as a personal resolution, it’s all too easy…

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Regenerative Medicine: Current Therapies and Future Directions

The medical community is always looking for new ways to help people. Regenerative medicine is one of the latest ways…

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12 Pros And Cons Of Medicinal Cannabis

Cannabis is the source of one of the most familiar drugs in the world. The name applies to a group…

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Envisioning An Excellent Future For Surgery

Innovation should always be focused on making people’s lives better, and easier in many cases. The world of medicine and…

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Five Things to Consider When Choosing An…

The mobility marketplace has a number of different types of electric, or powered, wheelchairs available to cater to a spectrum…

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How 2020 Has Rewarded Key Workers

The past year has been difficult for many of us, and is one we don’t want to repeat. This is…

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Fountain of Youth

Looking younger for longer is more possible than it ever has been before. The team at DefenAge® New Skin have…

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