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Is Personal Training a Full Time Career?

Personal training is becoming more popular as a career path as the years go on. This is because individuals are…

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How to Make the Menopause a New…

With many things in life, by simply altering your perspective, it might not only change your opinion but it can…

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6 Signs You May Have an Underlying…

It's not uncommon for your feet to feel tired after a long day of standing and walking. Most of the…

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6 Nutritional Tips for Athletes

Diet plays a major role in the performance of athletes, in conjunction with training and exercising. Without the required nutrition,…

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Long COVID or Mental Burnout? Life Beyond…

The first vaccines have been administered in the UK, hopefully spelling the beginning of the end for the pandemic. While…

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Struggling to sleep in lockdown?

More than half the UK population struggle with sleep during lockdown, according to a study by King's College London. Researchers…

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Happy Hair at Juvida Clinics

The world of hair is one that many people approach with no small amount of caution, whether it be considering…

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Workplace Injuries: 8 Steps to Take

Accidents do happen in the workplace regardless of the industry you’re in. When these happen, it’s essential to take immediate…

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The Importance of User Centred Designed Software…

Software is an essential tool across businesses and industries. It’s a cost-effective platform that allows companies to streamline their processes…

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