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The Importance of Hand Hygiene in Health…

Maintaining good hygiene levels is important for staying healthy and avoiding falling ill. Many illnesses can be contracted by touching…

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Have People’s Perceptions of Non-Alcoholic Drinks Changed?

Kombucha and low-alcohol gins have increased in popularity, but why is that? Is it health concerns, or is it the…

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The Causes of Tooth Loss in Adults

Do you remember losing a tooth as a child? Most would consider this the first step towards growing up and…

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The Best Colours to Support Your Child’s…

Creating a positive environment for your child can start with decorating their room in a happy colour. We take a…

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Truro Revealed as the UK’s Most Tired…

Fatigue hits us all at some point, but since COVID, the online search for fatigue has increased. More people are…

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How the Pandemic Forced Us to Rethink…

Machine learning is an exciting field that is contributing to a new era of advanced automation by constantly learning from…

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Surging Nanomedicine Investments Improve Global Healthcare and…

The World Nano Foundation and Nano Magazine have highlighted a report by that the global nanomedicine market worth $141.34…

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How Are New Mums Adapting to the…

For new parents, lockdown has been a surreal time. On one hand, many parents have been able to work from…

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5 Ways to Improve the Usability of…

To have an effective healthcare website, you must ensure its usability. This means that its design should be user-centered. That…

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