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How to Choose Comfortable Yet Stylish Running…

If you want to learn how to run in their shoes, follow these tips on choosing the most comfortable yet…

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Move More: 6 Ways to Get Moving…

Staying at home all day makes it tempting to sit on the couch or work on your laptop for hours…

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Menopause: Educating the Next Generation in School

Unsurprisingly, the content of school curriculums is extremely important—what we learn as a child has the ability to shape our…

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Innovation Drives Success in Food Safety

Over the past decade, the global population expanded and increased the demand for food production. As agricultural development grows and…

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How to Protect Your Eyes During Hay…

According to Allergy UK, hay fever affects around 18 million people in the UK every year. Those experiencing hay fever…

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5 Indicators Children Are Experiencing Screen Addiction

The term “screen addiction” is considered to be harsh by many parents and carers. In the 21st century, children engaging…

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4 Ways to Protect Yourself From Bloodborne…

Bloodborne pathogens (BBP), as its name suggests, are pathogenic microorganisms that cause diseases when transferred from an infected person to…

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Civilian Health 101: Keeping Up with Your…

Keeping up with your health after exiting the military might not be on the top of your priority list, but…

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Why Expedite a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit?

Expediting a medical malpractice lawsuit is beneficial for all involved parties, including the court. We will take a quick look…

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