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How to Care For Your Health When…

In this article, we share tips on how to take care of yourself when you’re no longer so young. We…

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Questions To Ask a Dentist Before Getting…

Most people realize that a trip to the dentist once in a while is a necessity, but hardly anyone enjoys…

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Biggest Problems in Medical Billing

Medical institutions all over are facing a serious problem when it comes to billing. What exactly are these problems in…

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Breaking the Stigma: Perimenopause, Menopause and Beyond…

Victoria Cranmer, founder of international retreat company Mindful Escapes, is a female entrepreneur aiming to do just that ahead of…

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Five Things You May Not Know About…

The Keto diet plays an intrinsic part of The Fast 800, the lifestyle plan developed by Dr Michael Mosley.

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How to Prevent Tooth Discolouration in 5…

Tooth discolouration and yellowing is a huge concern for Brits, with around 71% of adults stating they feel uncomfortable showing…

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Could Taking Out a Mortgage be Beneficial…

You’ve considered exercising, meditating, and eating healthily. But have you ever thought about improving your overall wellbeing by taking out…

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Office Life Isn’t Redundant, But the Traditional…

Lockdown sparked an Electric Bike phenomenon across the UK. The UKs No 1 electric bike retailer E-Bikes Direct experienced a…

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How to handle a workplace accident

According to HSE, over 693,000 workers have sustained a non-fatal injury at work in 2019/2020. This being said, a survey…

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