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Oral Health

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The Different Types Of Restorative Dental Treatments

As the saying goes, ‘A smile is the most beautiful thing you can wear every day.’ And yet some people…

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4 Ways An Endodontist Can Help Maintain…

If you're like some people, you may not be familiar with the role of an endodontist in dental care, let…

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Predicting Your Risk of Developing Oral Cancer…

Proteocyte AI is a Canadian med-tech company that uses proteomics to individually assess cancer risk in vulnerable patients.

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5 Foods and Beverages That You Didn’t…

Fluoride is an extremely important mineral for protecting the teeth from cavities. In fact, the ADA will only give their…

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How Are Oral Health and Heart Health…

At a glance, it might seem like your mouth and your heart shouldn’t have anything to do with each other.…

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3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Skip Your Next…

Have you ever experienced the embarrassment and discomfort of missing a tooth? A dental bridge can restore your smile and…

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6 Reasons To Take Great Care Of…

Having good teeth is essential for maintaining overall health and wellbeing. Not only do good teeth allow us to chew…

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Most Innovative Dental Practice Management Software –…

Borne from humble beginnings, Consult-PRO has transformed into a global thought leader, with education, art, innovation, and community at the…

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How To Choose The Right Teeth Replacement…

Living with missing teeth can be challenging. Eating and speech might become an issue, not to mention the emotional toll…

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