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Innovation & Medtech

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Automation Will Play a Critical Role in…

The healthcare industry is inundated with challenges, from an ageing population and higher cost of care to poor processes between…

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Hundreds of Sickle Cell Patients to Benefit…

Children, young people, and adults across England suffering from sickle cell disease will soon benefit from better care closer to…

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Accurately Predicting Your Risk of Developing Oral…

Proteocyte AI is a Canadian medtech company that uses proteomics to individually assess cancer risk in vulnerable patients. The STRATICYTE…

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Uncovering the Hidden ROI of Pharmacovigilance Literature…

In pharmacovigilance, the perception that investment in medical literature monitoring yields a low return on investment (ROI) is not uncommon.…

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Blockchain Technology Can be Used to Prevent,…

Healthcare is one industry where records are of utmost importance as they help in preventing and reducing medical error.

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Multi-Jet Fusion Technology: A Medical Marvel?

3D printing, or additive manufacturing, is transforming the medical world, with multi-jet fusion technology being heralded as a disruptive game-changer.…

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Optimizing the Patient Journey: Harnessing AI/ML Enhanced…

In the rapidly evolving landscape of the pharmaceutical industry, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) tools have emerged as…

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GHP Legacy Award in Biotechnology 2023

As time goes by, we experience more advancements in the world of biotechnology. This progression means we can live longer,…

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Mia-Care Partners with Leading Medical IoT Innovator…

Digital healthcare specialist, Mia-Care, has announced a new partnership with medical IoT innovator, Medisanté Group, to increase the adoption of…

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