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Innovation & Medtech

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Soaring Healthtech Investment Is More Than Just…

Healthcare technology investment soared 47% last year, to a new high of $51bn in 2020. Venture capital (VC) fundraising was…

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NINA Medical Makes Marvels

Medicine and healthcare are industries that are always subject to the ever-moving world of innovation. Being constantly subject to innovation…

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Brain Injuries in Sport: The Role Medical…

It feels like barely a week goes by without a head injury in sport. And, with many of us experiencing…

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Kyla Prepares for the “Uber-ization” of Healthcare…

As we look back on the events of the COVID-19 pandemic, various problems stand out, including the challenges of coronavirus…

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The Importance of User Centred Designed Software…

Software is an essential tool across businesses and industries. It’s a cost-effective platform that allows companies to streamline their processes…

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Envisioning An Excellent Future For Surgery

Innovation should always be focused on making people’s lives better, and easier in many cases. The world of medicine and…

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Fountain of Youth

Looking younger for longer is more possible than it ever has been before. The team at DefenAge® New Skin have…

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How Can Pharmaceutical Companies Leverage Digital to…

Digital transformation has been the leading topic of discussion in most industries this year, and healthcare is no exception. Although,…

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Cause for Optimism: UK Diagnostics Beyond Covid-19

Vaccine rollouts meant the new year began with renewed optimism for the future and, for the UK diagnostics sector, this…

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