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Health & Pharma

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Best Independent Non-Commercial Dispensing Pharmacy 2023 –…

With the rising costs in healthcare, and the larger need for digital solutions, we’re proud to highlight the work of…

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Healthcare-Focused Beverage Packaging Innovator of the Year…

The beverage industry needs to change with the times, and demands of its consumers, to make it easier for people…

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The Average Cost of a Data Breach…

IBM’s Cost of a Data Breach report has highlighted the increasing cost for organisations that suffer a data breach in…

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Unique Temperature Oversight for a Pharmaceutical Cold…

A supply chain that is strictly regulated in terms of temperature has become a vital part of the modern pharmaceutical…

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How Improved Asset Management Can Tackle Loss…

The NHS’s technology infrastructure has come under severe pressure in recent years, with many experts calling for increased widespread investment…

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Taking A Holistic Approach: Why Social Prescriptions…

In a bid to improve the health of Brits, the government is looking for innovative ways to promote healthier habits.

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Ensuring Precision And Accuracy In Medical Fluid…

Precision and accuracy are vital terms in medical fluid handling. Precision refers to the consistency of measurements, whereas accuracy signifies…

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The Power Of Prevention: How Disinfection Practices…

Prevention is vital in modern healthcare, prioritizing proactive measures to avoid diseases and improve public health outcomes. Disinfection practices are…

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Best Clinical Supply Chain Solutions Provider 2023…

Based in Singapore, Intrinseque Health is an EN ISO 13485 Certified Global Clinical Supply Chain Solutions and project management-based support…

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