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Health & Pharma

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How to Keep Your Business or Service…

We have been living in the COVID-19 pandemic for almost two years now. And although the situation has changed in…

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The Impact of COVID-19 on Waiting Times…

Here, we take a look at the impact of COVID-19 on NHS waiting times and explore some alternatives if this…

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The New Rival to the Skin Clinics…

Yorkshire Skin Centre is making itself an outstanding player in the clinical aesthetics industry, earning itself the title of ‘2021’s…

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Elevating Excellence in Private Healthcare Transport

With flights that traverse the entire world and the ability to rise to the challenge of serving a myriad of…

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The Secret to Looking Youthful

Global Health & Pharma magazine has recognised the expertise and quality provided by Secret Rose with the award for 2021’s…

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HACCP Plan 25 Years Later: Where We’re…

25 years ago, the FSIS issued its landmark final rule. Known as PR/HACCP was created to lower the risk and…

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Growing Position in “Design, Build and Maintain”…

PP4CE (Professional Partners for Control Environment) has been in existence for six years and is a collaboration between professional partners…

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Biggest Problems in Medical Billing

Medical institutions all over are facing a serious problem when it comes to billing. What exactly are these problems in…

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4 Ways to Protect Yourself From Bloodborne…

Bloodborne pathogens (BBP), as its name suggests, are pathogenic microorganisms that cause diseases when transferred from an infected person to…

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