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Health & Pharma

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Why Wearable Technology Can Assist the Healthcare…

We want to explore whether wearable technology can successfully alleviate stress in the healthcare sector and ultimately assist it to…

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Logistics Skills – The Panacea the Pharma…

The pharmaceutical retail, wholesale and distribution sector is ‘in play’, as they say on the markets. The group around Lloyds…

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Can You Sue for Wrong Test Results?

Typically, doctor visits in the hospital are crucial for keeping people healthy and happy at all times. However, they’re not…

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From Budding Innovation to Real Transformation: What…

This third year of the pandemic is likely to bring further uncertainty, but the innovation we’ve seen so far is…

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How Many Years Has the Pandemic Set…

Regardless of the global pandemic, being able to put a time frame on such a feat for an organisation with…

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How and Why NHS Trusts Must Take…

Getting software right is no easy task – especially in healthcare. It must be applicable to a near-endless list of…

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Best Marketing Strategies for the Healthcare Industry

Healthcare marketing can be tricky. Unlike other industries, there are many regulations governing marketing in the healthcare sector. Healthcare involves…

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New Eye Scan for Diabetes?

A Berkshire based business has received investment funding to forge ahead with its development of the Occuity Indigo, an extremely…

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The State of the Healthcare Supply Chain

Concerns surrounding supply chains have been impossible to ignore during recent months. The pandemic, and the issues that it has…

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